Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Jan 2021

Open access versions of Australian history articles

Last year I did some analysis of the availability of open access versions of research articles published between 2008 and 2018 in Australian Historical Studies. I’ve now broadened this out to cover all individual articles (with a DOI) across a number of journals. It’s pretty grim. Despite Green OA policies that allow researchers to share versions of their articles through institutional repositories, Australian history journals still seem to be about 94% closed.

Full details are in this notebook.

But this can be fixed! If you’re in a university, talk to your librarians about depositing a Green OA version of your article in an institutional repository. If not, you can use the Share your paper service to upload a Green OA version to Zenodo. Your research will be easier to find, easier to access, easier to cite, and available to everyone – not just those with the luxury of an institutional subscription. #dhhacks