Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

May 2021

Sponsor my work on GitHub!

As I foreshadowed some weeks ago, I’ve shut down my Patreon page. Thanks to everyone who has supported me there over the last few years!

I’ve now shifted across to GitHub Sponsors, which is focused on supporting open source projects. This seems like a much better fit for the things that I do, which are all free and open by default.

So if you think things like the GLAM Workbench, Historic Hansard, OzGLAM Help, and The Real Face of White Australia are worth supporting, you can sign up using my GitHub Sponsors page. Sponsorship tiers start at just $1 a month. Financially, your contributions help pay some of my cloud hosting bills and keep everything online. But just as important is the encouragement and motivation I get from knowing that there are people out there who think this work is important and useful.

To recognise my GitHub sponsors, I’ve also created a new Supporters page in the GLAM Workbench.
