QueryPic is a tool to visualise searches in Trove’s digitised newspapers. I created the first version way back in 2011, and since then it’s taken a number of different forms. The latest version introduces some new features:
- Automatic query creation – construct your search in the Trove web interface, then just copy and paste the url into QueryPic. This means you can take advantage of Trove’s advanced search and facets to build complex queries.
- Multiple time scales – previous versions only aggregated search results by year, but now you can also aggregate by month, or by day. QueryPic will automatically choose a time unit based on the date range of your query, but if you’re not happy with the result you can change it!
- Links back to Trove – click on any of the points on the chart to search Trove within that time period. This enables you to zoom in and out of your results, from the high-level visualisation, to individual articles.

This version of QueryPic is built within a Jupyter notebook, and designed to run using Voila (which hides all the code and makes the notebook look like a web app). See the Trove Newspapers section of the GLAM Workbench for more information. If you’d like to give it a try, just click the button below to run it live using Binder.

Hope you find it useful! #dhhacks