Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Jun 2021

GLAM Workbench office hours

To help you make use of the GLAM Workbench, I’ve set up an ‘office hours’ time slot every Friday when people can book in for 30 minute chats via Zoom. Want to talk about how you might use the GLAM Workbench in your latest research project? Are you having trouble getting started with GLAM data? Or perhaps you have some ideas for future notebooks you’d like to share? Just click on the ‘Book a chat’ link in the GLAM Workbench, or head straight to the scheduling page to set up a time!

Book a chat!

This is yet another experiment to see how I can support the use of GLAM data and the development of digital skills with the GLAM Workbench. Let me know if you think it’s worthwhile. #dhhacks