Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Sep 2023

Trove Data Guide update – accessing data from newspapers and gazettes

I’m continuing to slog away at the Trove Data Guide (part of the ARDC’s HASS Community Data Lab) – dumping everything I know about Trove into a format that I hope will be useful for researchers.

I’ve just finished a first pass through the section on accessing data from newspapers and gazettes, and it’s online if you want to have a look. There’s still lots of things to add, update, and reorganise, but getting the basic content of the section defined is a bit of a milestone, so I’ll allow myself a little moment of celebration. Yay!

Screencapture from the Trove Data Guide

Of course it took longer than I expected, but that’s largely due to the fact that I was sketching out related sections as I went along. You’ll see lots of pages in the navigation that only contain a list of dot points, but they’ll get filled out over the next couple of months.

The ‘Accessing data’ section is going to be the most code heavy, as it’s focused on using the API to develop reusable methods for harvesting machine-readable data. Other sections, such as ‘Understanding search’ and ‘Collections and contexts’ will be more discursive, aimed at helping all Trove users better understand what Trove is and how it works.

Comments and suggestions are welcome! You can add issues on GitHub, or use Hypothes.is to annotate the text.