Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Jan 2024

What’s going on?

The hardest part of developing tools and resources like the GLAM Workbench is getting information about them to the people who might benefit. The collapse of Twitter has only added to the difficulty, as has the reluctance of GLAM organisations to share new resources with their users. I’d rather spend my time making new tools, but what’s the point if no-one knows they exist?

Anyway, I thought I’d do a bit of a communications refresh for the new year. If you’re interested in GLAM Workbench and Trove Data Guide updates you can:

I’m also working on an email newsletter thing that’ll compile the updates at regular intervals.

For more social socials, as well as questions, requests and problems, you can always find me on Mastodon: @wragge@hcommons.social. My email address is not too hard to find, but, honestly, your chances of getting a reply are slim.

If you’ve got a bug report, or a suggestion for a new notebook or data source, feel free to create an issue on GitHub.

And, of course, everything I do is openly-licensed, so you are very welcome to modify and share! See the GLAM Workbench for other ways to get involved.

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