Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Jul 2024

Updated datasets describing Trove's digitised newspapers

The Trove newspapers section of the GLAM Workbench includes a number of notebooks and datasets that document the context and content of the newspaper corpus. I’ve just updated a few of these datasets:

Visualisation showing the number of issues per day in Trove from 1896

I’ve also used the issues data to update my visualisation of the number of digitised newspaper issues in Trove published every day from 1803 to 2021 (there’s a lot of data so it can take a little while to load!).

The notebooks in the Trove newspapers section still need to be updated to work with version 3 of the Trove API. I’m part way through and should get it finished in the next few weeks. I’ll also be adding some more of this data into the Understanding the digitised newspapers section of the Trove Data Guide.