Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Jul 2024

Home renovations at timsherratt.au

I had to update my sadly-neglected CV, so of course I ended up renovating the whole of my personal website at timsherratt.au. To start with, I migrated my CV from Pages to Markdown. This made it easy to integrate the CV’s content into the site’s about me page. As i was updating the CV, I tried to get as many as possible of my publications and presentations into Zenodo for easy access and safekeeping. This means that the about me page now has a long list of publications and presentations, dating back more than 20 years, that are (almost) all available online.

Screenshot of the timsherratt.au home page.

While I was fiddling about with the content, I thought I should probably update the theme as well. The site now uses Minimal Mistakes and will display in either dark or light mode depending on your system and browser settings. Hopefully I can ignore it for a few more years now!