Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Jan 2025

Files digitised by the National Archives of Australia in 2024

In 2024, the National Archives of Australia digitised 254,953 files (down from 416,602 in 2023). This chart shows the number of files digitised per day in 2024.

Line chart showing the number of files digitised by day in 2024.

The decrease in the total number of files digitised is probably related to the completion of the NAA’s five year project to digitise Second World War service records. Thanks to $10 million in government funding, the NAA has digitised more than a million service records since 2019. In 2023, 81% of records digitised were from series containing service records. This has dropped to around 40% in 2024. Here’s the total number of files digitised per year since February 2021.

Bar chart showing the number of files digitised by year from 2021 to 2024

The files digitised in 2024 came from 1,439 different series. Here’s the top twenty series by number of items digitised in 2024. You’ll see that as well as war records, many photos, patents, and immigration records were digitised.

series series_title total
A9301 RAAF Personnel files of Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and other ranks, 1921-1948 56,635
B883 Second Australian Imperial Force Personnel Dossiers, 1939-1947 39,163
A6135 Photographic colour transparencies positives, daily single number series with ‘K’ [Colour Transparencies] prefix 15,569
A13150 Specifications, examiners reports and correspondence relating to the Registration of Victorian Patents - Second system 13,519
A714 Books of duplicate certificates of naturalization A(1)[Individual person] series 13,384
A1500 Photographic colour transparencies [positives], single number series with ‘K’ [Colour] prefix 11,533
A7109 “Dead” card index of Registered Aliens 10,618
A705 Correspondence files, multiple number (Melbourne) series (Primary numbers 1-323) 9,568
A13149 Applications for Registration of Victorian Patents - Second system 8,843
A9300 RAAF Officers Personnel files, 1921-1948 6,371
D3481 Photographs (black and white, colour) of buildings, installations, sites, etc 5,054
A11708 Applications for Registration of Queensland Trade Marks 4,159
SP388/1 Personal documents of British Assisted Migrants 3,395
D879 Duplicates of negatives, annual single number series with D prefix (and progressive alpha infix A - K from 1948-1957) 3,253
B6286 Telstra Historical Collection 2,955
D1423 Original plans (negatives), single number series with alpha prefix denoting discipline 2,616
D1989 Application forms, medical examination documents and related papers of British and Foreign Immigrants (including Ex Service) in receipt of free and assisted passages, chronological order of ship arrival. 2,403
D1901 Loveday Internment Camp internees files, single number series with variable alpha prefix 2,305
PP9/5 Medical examination forms (form 47A) for non-British migrants, single number series 2,250
A6510 Classified prints of photographs relating mainly to Papua and New Guinea 2,242

This data was compiled from weekly harvests of RecordSearch’s list of recently digitised files. These weekly harvests are saved in the naa-recently-digitised GitHub repository. The harvesting method is documented in the GLAM Workbench.

I’ve also compiled these weekly harvests into annual datasets published through Zenodo. DOI