Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Dec 2021

GLAM Workbench Nectar Cloud Application updated!

The newly-updated DigitalNZ and Te Papa sections of the GLAM Workbench have been added to the list of available repositories in the Nectar Research Cloud’s GLAM Workbench Application. This means you can create your very own version of these repositories running in the Nectar Cloud, simply by choosing them from the app’s dropdown list. See the Using Nectar help page for more information.

I’ve also taken the opportunity to make use of the new container registry service developed by the ARDC as part of the ARCOS project. The app now pulls the GLAM Workbench Docker images from Quay.io via the container registry’s cache. This means that copies of the images are cached locally, speeding things up and saving on data transfers. Yay for integration!

Thanks again to Andy and the Nectar Cloud staff for their help! #dhhacks