Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

May 2024

Trove to Tropy via IIIF – documenting data pathways in the Trove Data Guide

Last week I added a notebook to the GLAM Workbench that saves a collection of images from Trove as an IIIF manifest. This week I’ve written a tutorial that shows how you can use the notebook to load the collection data in Tropy – a desktop tool for managing and annotating images for research.

The Tropy interface showing photographs imported from the B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition photographs (https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-141170265).

This is the first tutorial in the Trove Data Guide’s Research Pathways section. While most of the TDG documents the types of data available in Trove and how you can access it, the pathways aim to connect Trove data with other tools and platforms – to point at possibilities for analysis, enrichment, and sharing. For example, I’m planning tutorials on packaging OCRd text from Trove for use with text analysis tools, as well as ways of sharing selected data through tools like CollectionBuilder, and Datasette.

If you have any ideas for additional tutorials, feel free to add them to the ideas board in GitHub.