Thanks to @NetPreserve, I’ve been spending time lately working on a set of web archive exploration notebooks for the #GLAMWorkbench. Here’s an example to create/compare screenshots of captures. #dhhacks

Thanks to @NetPreserve, I’ve been spending time lately working on a set of web archive exploration notebooks for the #GLAMWorkbench. Here’s an example to create/compare screenshots of captures. #dhhacks
Do you have a CSV file you’d like to make searchable, maybe even share online? New on #dhhacks, I show you how with @simonw’s awesome Datasette tool & @Glitch. Give it a try!…
New on #dhhacks – make your own @TroveAustralia newspaper game! Thanks to @glitch, just edit a couple of files to create your own customised edition of Headline Roulette – make it about cats, or Queensland, or Communist Party newspapers, or whatever!
I’ve given my #dhhacks site a refresh, and updated my @TroveAustralia Twitter bot tutorial to link to the latest versions of the bots on @glitch. The new code is actually easier to customise, so plenty of opportunities to play around! More DHHacks coming soon…
If you’d ever wished you could get a random(ish) newspaper article from @TroveAustralia’s API, here’s a hack for you! I’ve added an option to return a random article to my Trove proxy app. You can filter by normal API facets. Go to: #dhhacks
The GLAM CSV Explorer has had a few updates — you can now filter by organisation, and upload your own CSV files! #GLAMWorkbench Try it live on Binder.
Updated! My notebook to upload digitised newspapers from @TroveAustralia to an @Omeka-S site has been improved — no longer trips over non-newspaper articles in Zotero collections, and does a check to avoid uploading existing articles. #dhhacks
My data file of public holidays in NSW from 1900-1950 has been updated – now including variations in the King’s Birthday holiday and extra days like VE Day. #dhhacks
My harvest of OCRd text from @TroveAustralia digitised books, ephemera, and parliamentary papers has been updated! There’s now 19,795 text files (about 3gb) to explore! Harvesting details and links to browse/download files from Cloudstor are in the #GLAMWorkbench. #dhhacks
The simple Trove proxy that you can use to get to download links for PDFs of newspaper articles from @TroveAustralia has been updated to Python 3, and Trove API version 2. It’s used in @Zotero and elsewhere… #dhhacks
I’ve added some more documentation to the Trove Newspaper Harvester page in the #GLAMWorkbench. Get your @TroveAustralia newspaper articles in bulk! #dhhacks #collectionsasdata
New section added to the #GLAMWorkbench with examples from @Library_Vic! #slvdata #dhhacks #collectionsasdata
More fun with @iiif_io and images from @library_vic – resize, rotate, crop and more! Try it out with this new notebook in the #GLAMWorkbench. #slvdata #dhhacks
New #GLAMWorkbench notebook! Download images from @Library_Vic using IIIF and Handle… #dhhacks
And for a taste of the recent additions to @TroveAustralia’s digitised journals, check out this thread.
Explore @TroveAustralia’s digitised journals with this simple app. Now updated with the latest additions to Trove, and a new page for government publications. #dhhacks
Want to save @TroveAustralia newspaper articles as images (that aren’t sliced up in annoying ways)? There’s an app for that in the #GLAMWorkbench. #dhhacks
I’ve updated the repository of data transcribed from White Australia policy records in @naagovau. Remember to follow @invisibleaus for daily snapshots.
I’ve added a few updates to my ‘Digital tools and such like…’ list for Australian historians. Hope you find it useful! #ozhist
New ‘Trove images' section added to the #GLAMWorkbench! Here you’ll find my latest Jupyter notebook harvesting data about the use of standard licences & rights statements in Trove’s picture zone. #dhhacks
Ok, the LODBook Jekyll plugin is cleaned & commented enough for me to put it aside for a while and work on the theme and data structure. I also took the opportunity to improve the way context strings are created…
Voting in the 2019 @dhawards is now open! Go and check out all the cool #DigitalHumanities projects from around the world. And while you’re there, you might like to vote for my #GLAMWorkbench in the ‘Tools’ category!
Gathering together videos of past presentations. Here they are on YT: and Vimeo:…
Archived via Zenodo – ‘Inigo Jones: the weather prophet’ – exploring our desire for certainty amidst a highly variable climate.…