Tim Sherratt - Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

24 Jul 2019

Download & explore 1,499,259 rows of open data from NSW State Archives Online Indexes

NSW State Archives publishes a number of detailed indexes containing data manually extracted from their records. These provide additional entry points to the records, such as a person’s name, or a place. But they also provide useful data fo...
12 Jul 2019

Visualising CV-detected column widths across 100 volumes (30,000+ pages) of Sydney Stock Exchange records from @TheANUArchives…

11 Jul 2019

New in GLAM Workbench! Notebooks to harvest, index, analyse, and aggregate transcripts of speeches & interviews by Australian prime ministers. Plus links to harvested data and aggregated files. #dhhacks

11 Jul 2019

I’ve updated my harvest of the PM Transcripts site — 22,814 XML files with transcripts of speeches, interviews, media releases etc by Australian Prime Ministers. Now with added @TurnbullMalcolm…

Repository includes an index of the files, and aggregations by PM. #dhhacks

11 Jul 2019

Reorganising things a little at GLAM Workbench. @statelibrarynsw gets its own section. Hansard and @datagovau GLAM datasets now under ‘Australian government’. Making some space for further additions…

07 Jul 2019

What’s that? You want MORE GLAM data? Well, I’ve started a list of sources for Australian GLAM data. Metadata, full text, images & more. Contributions welcome! #dhhacks

07 Jul 2019

I’ve updated my harvest of GLAM datasets from data.gov.au. Now there’s 584 CSV files available for download! #dhhacks

06 Jul 2019

I’ve put a copy of my article on using @TroveAustralia for digital research/play, written for the @HTANSW journal, up on my blog. #dhhacks

05 Jul 2019

I’ve updated the list of orgs who have supported the digitisation of @TroveAustralia’s journals. As usual @statelibrarynsw leads the way, but great to see @dvaaus supporting online access.

05 Jul 2019

Today I finished updating a harvest of all OCRd text available from Trove’s digitised journals. That’s about 7gb of text from 30,462 issues of 384 different journals — a fab corpus for text analysis! Here’s all the metadata, links, and harvesting code. @TDHASSN #dhhacks

05 Jul 2019

Update time! Yesterday I updated my Trove digitised journals app to include all the exciting new titles added to Trove in the last few months. This includes ABC Weekly, Current Notes on International Affairs & much more. #dhhacks

03 Jul 2019

A quick interactive view of newspaper articles in @TroveAustralia by state and year. Click on the bars or legend to filter by state. Jupyter notebook on its way… vega.github.io/editor/

03 Jul 2019

Anyone who’s been to one of my Trove workshops will be pleased to know that the WWI effect is still evident when viewing the total number of @TroveAustralia newspaper articles by year. As is the copyright cliff of death…

03 Jul 2019

So there are now almost twice as many newspaper articles in @TroveAustralia from NSW as there are from any other state. (cc @statelibrarynsw)

23 Jun 2019

Well look at that! – a selection of my @TroveAustralia related Jupyter notebooks turned into simple apps using Voila and delivered via Heroku. Save complete newspaper articles as images, create thumbnails, or download pages! #dhhacks

17 Jun 2019

Kicked off a new GLAM Workbench repository dedicated to @SLSA with a quick notebook hack to get higher res versions of digitised photos. #dhhacks

10 Jun 2019

Search @TroveAustralia newspapers without leaving Twitter using the updated and enhanced @TroveNewsBot! After 6 years of regular tweeting, TroveNewsBot needed an upgrade. Check out all its new features, including article thumbnails, here. #dhhacks

07 Jun 2019

Recent additions to the Trove Newspapers section of the GLAM Workbench: getting images from @TroveAustralia newspaper articles, and uploading article to @Omeka-S: glam-workbench.github.io/trove-new…

04 Jun 2019

Want to upload @TroveAustralia newspaper articles to @Omeka-S to create an exhibition or populate a research database? This notebook collects article references from a search, a Trove list, or Zotero, & uploads metadata, images & PDF to your Omeka site. #dhhacks

02 Jun 2019

Slides ready for tomorrow’s workshop at @unicanberra – Trove as a pltform for digital research & creativity. Here’s a sneak peek: slides.com/wragge/tr…

31 May 2019

Ever wanted to save a @TroveAustralia newspaper article as an image? This notebook lets you do just that. Paste in an article url and you get nice big JPGs to download. It even works with article spread across multiple pages. #dhhacks

26 May 2019

More GLAM Workbench updates! More full text of Australian books! I’ve added the notebook & data from my harvest of @TroveAustralia books in the @InternetArchive. There’s metadata and text of 1,153 books to explore. #dhhacks

25 May 2019

2019 has been pretty busy so far! I just compiled a list of tools, updates, and examples from the last few months for my @Patreon supporters.

24 May 2019

Here’s how you can get the text of Australian books in @TroveAustralia from the Internet Archive (via the Open Library). #dhhacks

22 May 2019

I’ve updated the data that sits behind my Trove Places app and added more than 140 newspaper titles. To find @TroveAustralia newspapers published in any region of Australia simply click on the map! #dhhacks