Tim Sherratt - Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

21 May 2019

If you’re researching foreign policy using @naagovau you might find this little tool useful – it tries to find the file containing a specific numbered cable. Good for tracking down rogue references! Try it live! #dhhacks

19 May 2019

And what can you do with 400 CSV files? Well, you could explore their contents using my GLAM CSV Explorer. Select one of the files to peek inside, or upload your own CSV. #dhhacks

19 May 2019

Some overdue updates to the GLAM Workbench. First here’s details, data, and code from a harvest of GLAM datasets on @datagovau. Includes details of more than 400 CSV datasets. #dhhacks

09 May 2019

Over the last week I’ve been downloading editorial cartoons published in The Bulletin from @TroveAustralia. There’s 3,471 cartoons – at least one from every issue published between 4 Sep 1886 and 17 Sep 1952. And you can browse them all…

To make it easier to explore the images, I’ve compiled them into a series of PDFs – one PDF for each decade. The PDFs include lower resolution versions of the images together with their publication details and a link to Trove. They’re all available from DropBox:

The complete collection of high resolution images (about 60gb in total) can be downloaded from CloudStor. The names of each image file provide useful contextual metadata. For example, the file name 19330412-2774-nla.obj-606969767-7.jpg tells you:

  • 19330412 – the cartoon was published on 12 April 1933
  • 2774 – it was published in issue number 2774
  • nla.obj-606969767 – the Trove identifier for the issue, can be used to make a url eg [nla.gov.au/nla.obj-6...](https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-606969767)
  • 7 – on page 7

There’s some details of the method that I used to find the cartoons in this notebook. I’ve also documented everything in the Trove Journals section of my GLAM Workbench.

Be warned – the language, images, and ideas presented in The Bulletin were often racist, anti-Semitic, and sexist. You won’t have to look far within this collection to find something offensive. This was, after all, the journal whose slogan for many years was ‘Australia for the white man’. This is our history… #dhhacks

04 May 2019

After a number of unsuccessful attempts, I seem to be getting The Bulletin title art fairly reliably now. Tricky because it’s not always on the same page…

29 Apr 2019

Here’s the notebook-ified version of the code I used to harvest all the Australian Commonwealth Hansard XML files from 1901 to 1980: nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/GL…

28 Apr 2019

I’ve reharvested Commonwealth Hansard from 1901 to 1980 and updated my repository of XML files. This should pick up the work of @ParlLibrary staff over recent years to improve the XML output. #dhhacks

27 Apr 2019

And now my GLAM Workbench has a ‘Trove Maps’ section to document examples and explorations using data from @TroveAustralia’s ‘map’ zone: glam-workbench.github.io/trove-map… Includes a list of 20,158 maps with high-res downloads. #dhhacks

26 Apr 2019

The other night @OpenGLAM was sharing collections of high-res images from GLAM orgs that are free to download. That got me thinking about @TroveAustralia’s digitised maps because there’s lots of them, most are out of copyright, and the images are BIG. #dhhacks

25 Apr 2019

If you’d like to make your own big, composite images from lots of @TroveAustralia newspaper thumbnails, here’s a notebook that shows you how.

25 Apr 2019

Australian pilots, aviators, airmen, and flyers — 4,950 thumbnails from a search in @TroveAustralia’s newspapers combined into one very big, zoomable image.

23 Apr 2019

I’ve been busy lately harvesting LOTS of full text data from @TroveAustralia’s digitised journals – so many opportunities for research! You should be able to get to all the code & data from the new Trove journals section of my GLAM Workbench. #dhhacks

22 Apr 2019

I’ve added a section for the @TroveAustralia ‘book’ zone to the GLAM Workbench.

22 Apr 2019

Ok, so I’ve downloaded the OCRd text from 27,426 issues of 358 digitised journals/series in @TroveAustralia. That’s 6.6gb of full text. Tune in tomorrow for full details…

22 Apr 2019

All 9,738 OCRd text files harvested from books, pamphlets and leaflets in @TroveAustralia’s ‘book' zone have been uploaded to @aarnet’s CloudStor for easy browsing/download. There’s also a 400mb zip file if you want the whole lot.

The harvesting method and code is available in this notebook. All this and more will be documented soon in my GLAM Workbench. #dhhacks

21 Apr 2019

So @TroveAustralia includes more than 370,000 press releases, speeches, and interview transcripts issued by Aust federal politicians & saved by the Parliamentary Library. Learn how to harvest metadata & full text to create your own datasets in this notebook. #dhhacks

20 Apr 2019

Among the OCRd texts I’m currently harvesting from Trove’s journals zone are things like the NSW Post Office Directories from 1886 onwards. Useful sources for compiling data about occupations, locations etc?

20 Apr 2019

Wow, there are now over 371,000 press releases, interview transcripts and more from the @ParlLibrary available through @TroveAustralia. Just working on a new notebook to harvest sets for research…

19 Apr 2019

Another collection of OCRd text from @TroveAustralia is on its way…

17 Apr 2019

Playing with @TroveAustralia newspaper results. Here’s illustrated articles with ‘White Australia Policy' in their title…

15 Apr 2019

The final tally – after much tweaking I’ve downloaded OCRd text from 9,738 works in the @TroveAustralia books zone. This includes ephemera such as pamphlets and posters as well as more booky books. Here’s the full metadata, all the text files, & harvesting code. #dhhacks


14 Apr 2019

I’m looking for books in @TroveAustralia, but there’s lots of ephemera (pamphlets, posters etc) in the book zone. So I tried grabbing the images of ‘books’ with one page & found some nice stuff including this collection of playbills. #dhhacks


12 Apr 2019

Text of over 3 thousand digitised books and pamphlets downloaded so far from @TroveAustralia…


11 Apr 2019

After talking to @PrimahadiWijaya today about work at @MonashLing, I started harvesting metadata & full text from digitised books in @TroveAustralia. OCRd text from about 2,000 books downloaded so far. More soon… #dhhacks

11 Apr 2019

What I did at #valatechcamp! Here’s a CSV with basic details of 7,719 digitised books available through @TroveAustralia. I’m not sure if they all have OCRd text available, but if they do I’ll attempt to download it once I’m back home.