TIL that the web pages for digitised works (like books and journal issues) on @TroveAustralia embed a lot of useful metadata that you can’t get through the API. Here’s how to extract it.

TIL that the web pages for digitised works (like books and journal issues) on @TroveAustralia embed a lot of useful metadata that you can’t get through the API. Here’s how to extract it.
Just posting the link to my ‘Introducing APIs’ slides for #VALATechCamp again, so that they show up in my MicroBlog feed…
So, I’ve finally figured out a way to automatically generate nice-looking thumbnails from @TroveAustralia newspaper articles. Demo notebook here. #dhhacks
So I put the recent report into Australia’s national cultural institutions into the @TDHASSN instance of @VoyantTools. Here’s the contexts of the word ‘story’…
Train from Canberra to Melbourne booked for #VALATechCamp. I’ll be hanging around both days, so let me know if you’d like to chat about the GLAM Workbench, Jupyter, Trove data, or any of the other things I fiddle with…
Sneak preview of my GLAM CSV Explorer now live on @MyBinderTeam! Select one of 447 GLAM-related CSVs from @datagovau for analysis, or load your own. Coming soon to @TDHASSN. #dhhacks
Quick notebook to harvest GLAM datasets via the new(ish) @datagovau API. Includes 447 CSVs from 19 institutions.
Still plenty to do, but my CSV Explorer is taking shape… (coming soon to @TDHASSN & elsewhere!)
I’ll be giving a demo at the @HumanitiesAU data summit on Friday.
Now with animated gif…
Fun day talking to the @dhpanu team at ANU about digital history possibilities. Slides/links are all online.
So right around now I think I’m talking (via video) about my adventures with #HistoricHansard for the ‘Between Cyberutopia and Cyberphobia’ workshop at @witswiser in South Africa. You can follow along: vimeo.com/321657685
More updates! Latest data and images from The Real Face of White Australia transcription project are up on GitHub. #dhhacks
I’ve finally updated the @TroveAustralia API Console to use version 2 of the API & https by default. (Also updated to Python3 & latest Heroku stack.) More examples coming soon… #dhhacks
Lots of exciting new stuff has been added to @TroveAustralia’s digitised journals in the last few months. To explore it all, head here and click on the ‘New titles’ button. #dhhacks
Art & Architecture: the journal of the Institute of Architects NSW, 51 issues from 1905 to 1912 now on @TroveAustralia.
Only 12 issues, but check out the fabulous covers on The New Triad from 1927-8. Now on @TroveAustralia.
Want some arts? 130 issues of RealTime from 1994 to 2016 now on @TroveAustralia.
Hey #ozhist, 295 issues of the journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society from 1918 to 1954 are now on @TroveAustralia.