Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress


26 Oct 2020

I’ve added a new section to the GLAM Workbench for the ANU Archives. The first set of notebooks relates to the Sydney Stock exchange stock and share lists. As the content note describes:

These are large format bound volumes of the official lists that were posted up for the public to see - 3 times a day - forenoon, noon and afternoon - at the close of the trading session in the call room at the Sydney Stock Exchange. The closing prices of stocks and shares were entered in by hand on pre-printed sheets.

The volumes have been digitised, resulting in a collection of 70,000+ high resolution images. You can browse the details of each volume using this notebook.

I’ve been exploring ways of getting useful, machine-readable data out of the images. There’s more information about the processes involved in this repository. I’ve also been working on improving the metadata and have managed to assign a date and session (Morning, Noon, or Afternoon) to each page. We these, we can start to explore the content!

One of the notebooks creates a calendar-like view of the whole collection, showing the number of pages surviving from each trading day. This makes it easy to find the gaps and changes in process. #dhhacks

26 Oct 2020

I’ve added more years to my repository of Commonwealth Hansard! The repository now includes XML-formatted text files for both houses from 1901 to 1980, and 1998 to 2005. I’ve done some more checking and confirmed that the XML files for 1981 to 1997 aren’t currently available through ParlInfo, however, the Parliamentary Library are looking into it. I’ve also created a CSV-formatted list of sitting days from 1901 to 2005 (based on ParlInfo search results). Details of the harvesting process are available in the GLAM Workbench. #dhhacks

14 Aug 2020

Another #GLAMWorkbench update! Snip words out of @TroveAustralia newspaper pages and create big composite images. OCR art! glam-workbench.github.io/trove-new… #dhhacks

30 Jul 2020

Ok, so do you want to make your own ‘scissors & paste’ messages using words from @TroveAustralia newspaper articles? Go to the notebook in #GLAMWorkbench & click on ‘Run live on Binder in Appmode’. #dhhacks

29 Jul 2020

Another #GLAMWorkbench update! The Trove Harvester will now download both newspaper and gazette articles in bulk. You can optionally include full text, and save copies of the articles as images and PDFs. #dhhacks glam-workbench.github.io/trove-har…

28 Jul 2020

Interested in using web archives in your research? Join us on 5/6 August for a free @netpreserve webinar introducing the tools and examples available in the new #webarchives section of the #GLAMWorkbench. There are two timeslots to cover multiple timezones: www.eventbrite.com/e/iipc-rs… and www.eventbrite.com/e/iipc-rs…

27 Jul 2020

Introducing a brand new section of the #GLAMWorkbench, exploring the @MuseumsVictoria collection API. Harvest species records, display random images, and download ALL THE ANTECHINUSES! glam-workbench.github.io/museumsvi… #dhhacks

27 Jul 2020

New additions to the @TroveAustralia books section of the #GLAMWorkbench – word frequency examples with OCRd text from digitised books, and a random recipe generator powered by a 19th C cook book! glam-workbench.github.io/trove-boo… #dhhacks

27 Jul 2020

With the recent changes to @TroveAustralia, the Australian Women’s Weekly cover browser was retired. As a low-tech alternative, I’ve harvested all the cover images from the Women’s Weekly and saved them into PDFs for easy browsing, one for each decade. There are 2,566 images from 1933 to 1982.

Just click on the link below each image to explore the complete issue on Trove. You can also download the full collection of images from Cloudstor. There’s a CSV file containing all the issue metadata.

The notebook used to harvest the images is in the Trove newspapers section of the GLAM Workbench. You could easily adapt the notebook to harvest the front pages of any newspaper. #dhhacks

17 Jul 2020

The Trove books section of the #GLAMWorkbench has been updated. There’s a fresh harvest of OCRd text & the notebooks have been changed to work with the new @TroveAustralia interface. Download & explore 24,620 files (3gb) of OCRd text! #dhhacks

17 Jul 2020

Revisiting my Historic Hansard XML repository & realising how easy it is to load files as needed via the GitHub API & explore with Pandas & Jupyter. This #GLAMWorkbench notebook helps you explore a particular year/house. #dhhacks

14 Jul 2020

The Trove Journals section of the #GLAMWorkbench has been updated to work with the new @TroveAustralia interface! I’ve also re-harvested ALL the OCRd text from digitised journals — 6gb of text from 397 journals now downloadable in bulk from CloudStor. #dhhacks

12 Jul 2020

New in #GLAMWorkbench! After you’ve used the @TroveAustralia Newspaper Harvester to download lots & lots of articles, try exploring the results in Datasette. This notebook sets everything up, you can even add full text search & images! #dhhacks

29 Jun 2020

Download newspaper articles in bulk! The Trove Newspaper Harvester has been updated to work with the new @TroveAustralia interface. I’ve also added the ability to save articles as .jpg images! The easiest way to get started is via the #GLAMWorkbench. #dhhacks

Screenshot of Trove Harvester page in GLAM WorkbenchScreenshot of TroveHarvester web appDetails of image file naming schemeThumbnails of newspaper articles saved as images

27 May 2020

New GLAM Workbench section on web archives!

We tend to think of a web archive as a site we go to when links are broken – a useful fallback, rather than a source of new research data. But web archives don’t just store old web pages, they capture multiple versions of web resources over...
08 May 2020

Thanks to @NetPreserve, I’ve been spending time lately working on a set of web archive exploration notebooks for the #GLAMWorkbench. Here’s an example to create/compare screenshots of captures. #dhhacks

03 Apr 2020

The GLAM CSV Explorer has had a few updates — you can now filter by organisation, and upload your own CSV files! #GLAMWorkbench Try it live on Binder.

31 Mar 2020

Buildings might be closed, but the data is open – explore hundreds of datasets from Australian GLAM organisations!

For a couple of years I’ve been harvesting datasets created or published by Australian GLAM organisations through government data portals. I’ve just completed the latest harvest, and there’s now 369 datasets, containing 983 files, from 23 G...
11 Mar 2020

My harvest of OCRd text from @TroveAustralia digitised books, ephemera, and parliamentary papers has been updated! There’s now 19,795 text files (about 3gb) to explore! Harvesting details and links to browse/download files from Cloudstor are in the #GLAMWorkbench. #dhhacks

03 Mar 2020

I’ve added some more documentation to the Trove Newspaper Harvester page in the #GLAMWorkbench. Get your @TroveAustralia newspaper articles in bulk! #dhhacks #collectionsasdata

27 Feb 2020

New section added to the #GLAMWorkbench with examples from @Library_Vic! #slvdata #dhhacks #collectionsasdata

27 Feb 2020

More fun with @iiif_io and images from @library_vic – resize, rotate, crop and more! Try it out with this new notebook in the #GLAMWorkbench. #slvdata #dhhacks

26 Feb 2020

New #GLAMWorkbench notebook! Download images from @Library_Vic using IIIF and Handle… #dhhacks

21 Feb 2020

Want to save @TroveAustralia newspaper articles as images (that aren’t sliced up in annoying ways)? There’s an app for that in the #GLAMWorkbench. #dhhacks

17 Feb 2020

New ‘Trove images' section added to the #GLAMWorkbench! Here you’ll find my latest Jupyter notebook harvesting data about the use of standard licences & rights statements in Trove’s picture zone. #dhhacks