Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress


24 Jun 2022

Some more #GLAMWorkbench maintenance – this app to download a high-res page images from Trove newspapers now doesn’t require an API key if you have a url, & some display problems have been fixed. trove-newspaper-apps.herokuapp.com/voila/ren…

Screen shot of app --  Download a page image  The Trove web interface doesn't provide a way of getting high-resolution page images from newspapers. This simple app lets you download page images as complete, high-resolution JPG files.
23 Jun 2022

The Trove Newspaper and Gazette Harvester section of the #GLAMWorkbench has been updated! No major changes to notebooks, just lots of background maintenance stuff such as updating packages, testing, linting notebooks etc. glam-workbench.net/trove-har…

01 Jun 2022

Ordering some #GLAMWorkbench stickers…

Proof image of a hexagonal sticker. The sticker has white lettering on a blue blackground which reads GLAM Workbench. In the centre is a crossed hammer and wrench icon.
26 May 2022

Using Datasette on Nectar

If you have a dataset that you want to share as a searchable online database then check out Datasette – it’s a fabulous tool that provides an ever-growing range of options for exploring and publishing data. I particularly like how easy Data...
20 May 2022

Convert your Trove newspaper searches to an API query with just one click!

I’m thinking about the Trove Researcher Platform discussions & ways of integrating Trove with other apps and platforms (like the GLAM Workbench). As a simple demo I modifed my Trove Proxy app to convert a newspaper search url from the Trove...
11 May 2022

My Trove researcher platform wishlist

The ARDC is collecting user requirements for the Trove researcher platform for advanced research. This is a chance to start from scratch, and think about the types of data, tools, or interface enhancements that would support innovative rese...
10 May 2022

Spending the evening updating the NAA section of the #GLAMWorkbench. Here’s a fresh harvest of the agency functions currently being used in RecordSearch… gist.github.com/wragge/d1…

02 May 2022

Working with Trove data – a collection of tools and resources

The ARDC is organising a couple of public forums to help gather researcher requirements for the Trove component of the HASS RDC. One of the roundtables will look at ‘Existing tools that utilise Trove data and APIs’. Last year I wrote a summ...
30 Apr 2022

And so it starts… #GLAMWorkbench

Screenshot of GLAM Workbook welcome page. Text states: 'This is a companion to the GLAM Workbench. Here you'll documentation, tips, tutorials, and exercises to help you work with digital collections from galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (the GLAM sector).'
28 Apr 2022

Ok, I’ve created a new #GLAMWorkbench meta issue to try and bring together all the things I’m trying to do to improve & automate the code & documentation. This should help me keep track of things… github.com/GLAM-Work… #DayofDH2022

28 Apr 2022

A couple of hours of #DayofDH2022 left – feeling a bit uninspired, so I’m going to do some pruning & reorganising of the #GLAMWorkbench issues list: github.com/GLAM-Work…

20 Apr 2022

Tracking Trove changes over time

I’ve been doing a bit of cleaning up, trying to make some old datasets more easily available. In particular I’ve been pulling together harvests of the number of newspaper articles in Trove by year and state. My first harvests date all the w...
02 Mar 2022

The GLAM Workbench wants you!

Over the past few months I’ve been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work on the GLAM Workbench – automating, standardising, and documenting processes for developing and managing repositories. These sort of things ease the maintenance burden...
17 Feb 2022

Omeka S Tools – new Python package

Over the last couple of years I've been fiddling with bits of Python code to work with the Omeka S REST API. The Omeka S API is powerful, but the documentation is patchy, and doing basic things like uploading images can seem quite confusing...
28 Jan 2022

Testing, testing...

I regularly update the Python packages used in the different sections of the GLAM Workbench; though probably not as often as I should. Part of the problem is that once I've updated the packages, I have to run all the notebooks to make sure ...
09 Dec 2021

Some big pictures of newspapers in Trove and DigitalNZ

One of the things I really like about Jupyter is the fact that I can share notebooks in a variety of different formats. Tools like QueryPic can run as simple web apps using Voila, static versions of notebooks can be viewed using NBViewer, a...
09 Dec 2021

Exploring GLAM data at ResBaz

The video of my key story presentation at ResBaz Queensland (simulcast via ResBaz Sydney) is now available on Vimeo. In it, I explore some of the possibilities of GLAM data by retracing my own journey through WWI service records, The Real F...
01 Dec 2021

GLAM Workbench Nectar Cloud Application updated!

The newly-updated DigitalNZ and Te Papa sections of the GLAM Workbench have been added to the list of available repositories in the Nectar Research Cloud’s GLAM Workbench Application. This means you can create your very own version of these...
01 Dec 2021

DigitalNZ & Te Papa sections of the GLAMWorkbench updated!

In preparation for my talk at ResBaz Aotearoa, I updated the DigitalNZ and Te Papa sections of the GLAM Workbench. Most of the changes are related to management, maintenance, and integration of the repositories. Things like: Setting up Git...
11 Nov 2021

A template for GLAM Workbench development

I’m hoping that the GLAM Workbench will encourage GLAM organisations and GLAM data nerds (like me) to create their own Jupyter notebooks. If they do, they can put a link to them in the list of GLAM Jupyter resources. But what if they want t...
04 Nov 2021

Coming up! GLAM Workbench at ResBaz(s)

Want a bit of added GLAM with your digital research skills? You’re in luck, as I’ll be speaking at not one, but three ResBaz events in November. If you haven’t heard of it before, ResBaz (Research Bazaar) is ‘a worldwide festival promoting ...
01 Nov 2021

New video – using the Trove Newspaper & Gazette Harvester

The latest help video for the GLAM Workbench walks through the web app version of the Trove Newspaper & Gazette Harvester. Just paste in your search url and Trove API key and you can harvest thousands of digitised newspaper articles in minutes!
01 Nov 2021

Harvest newspaper issues as PDFs

An inquiry on Twitter prompted me to put together a notebook that you can use to download all available issues of a newspaper as PDFs. It was really just a matter of copying code from other tools and making a few modifications. The first st...
21 Oct 2021

GLAM Workbench now in the Nectar Research Cloud!

The GLAM Workbench isn’t dependent on one big piece of technological infrastructure. It’s basically a collection of Jupyter notebooks, and those notebooks can be used within a variety of different environments. This helps make the GLAM Work...
18 Oct 2021

More GLAM Name Index updates from Queensland State Archives and SLWA

A new version of the GLAM Name Index Search is available. An additional 49 indexes have been added, bringing the total to 246. You can now search for names in more than 10.2 million records from 9 organisations. The new indexes come from Qu...