Tim Sherratt - Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

Tim Sherratt

Sharing recent updates and work-in-progress

11 Nov 2021

A template for GLAM Workbench development

I’m hoping that the GLAM Workbench will encourage GLAM organisations and GLAM data nerds (like me) to create their own Jupyter notebooks. If they do, they can put a link to them in the list of GLAM Jupyter resources. But what if they want t...
08 Nov 2021

More thoughts on the Trove researcher platform for advanced research

Previously on ‘What could we do with $2.3 million?’, the National Library of Australia produced a draft plan for an ‘Advanced Researcher Platform’ that was thoroughly inadequate. Rather than submit this plan to the ARDC for consideration as...
04 Nov 2021

Coming up! GLAM Workbench at ResBaz(s)

Want a bit of added GLAM with your digital research skills? You’re in luck, as I’ll be speaking at not one, but three ResBaz events in November. If you haven’t heard of it before, ResBaz (Research Bazaar) is ‘a worldwide festival promoting ...
01 Nov 2021

New video – using the Trove Newspaper & Gazette Harvester

The latest help video for the GLAM Workbench walks through the web app version of the Trove Newspaper & Gazette Harvester. Just paste in your search url and Trove API key and you can harvest thousands of digitised newspaper articles in minutes!
01 Nov 2021

Harvest newspaper issues as PDFs

An inquiry on Twitter prompted me to put together a notebook that you can use to download all available issues of a newspaper as PDFs. It was really just a matter of copying code from other tools and making a few modifications. The first st...
21 Oct 2021

GLAM Workbench now in the Nectar Research Cloud!

The GLAM Workbench isn’t dependent on one big piece of technological infrastructure. It’s basically a collection of Jupyter notebooks, and those notebooks can be used within a variety of different environments. This helps make the GLAM Work...
18 Oct 2021

More GLAM Name Index updates from Queensland State Archives and SLWA

A new version of the GLAM Name Index Search is available. An additional 49 indexes have been added, bringing the total to 246. You can now search for names in more than 10.2 million records from 9 organisations. The new indexes come from Qu...
15 Oct 2021

Getting data about newspaper issues in Trove

When you search Trove’s newspapers, you find articles – these articles are grouped by page, and all the pages from a particular date make up an issue. But how do you find out what issues are available? How do you get a list of dates when ne...
15 Oct 2021

GLAM Workbench at eResearch Australasia 2021

Way back in 2013, I went to the eResearch Australasia conference as the manager of Trove to talk about new research possibilities using the Trove API. Eight years years later I was back, still spruiking the possibilities of Trove data. This...
05 Oct 2021

New Python package to download Trove newspaper images

There’s no reliable way of downloading an image of a Trove newspaper article from the web interface. The image download option produces an HTML page with embedded images, and the article is often sliced into pieces to fit the page. This Pyt...
29 Sep 2021

More records for the GLAM Name Index Search

Two more datasets have been added to the GLAM Name Index Search! From the History Trust of South Australia and Collab, I’ve added: Passengers in History – that’s 371,894 records of people arriving in South Australia from 1836 to 1961 Women...
29 Sep 2021

New preprint – ‘More than newspapers’

Here’s the preprint version of an article, ‘More than newspapers’, that I’ve submitted for a forum about Trove in a forthcoming issue of History Australia.
29 Sep 2021

More QueryPic in action

Recently I created a list of publications that made use of QueryPic, my tool to visualise searches in Trove’s digitised newspapers. Here’s another example of the GLAM Workbench and QueryPic in action, in Professor Julian Meyrick’s recent ke...
10 Sep 2021

Some thoughts on the ‘Trove Researcher Platform for Advanced Research’ draft plan

Late last year the Federal Government announced it was making an $8.9 million investment in HASS and Indigenous research infrastructure. This program is being managed by the ARDC and will lead to the development of a HASS Research Data Comm...
30 Aug 2021

Some research projects that have used QueryPic

A Twitter thread about some of the research uses of QueryPic… QueryPic, my tool for visualising searches in @TroveAustralia’s digitised newspapers, has been around in different forms for more than 10 years. The latest version is part of the...
30 Aug 2021

Government publications in Trove

Over the last few weeks I’ve been updating my harvests of OCRd text from digitised books and periodicals in Trove. As part of the harvesting process, I’ve created lists of both that are available in digital form – this includes digitised wo...
26 Aug 2021

GLAM Workbench – a platform for digital HASS research

We’re in the midst of planning for the HASS Research Data Commons, which will deliver some much-needed investment in digital research infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences. Amongst the funded programs are tools for text anal...
23 Aug 2021

A Family History Month experiment – search millions of name records from GLAM organisations

There’s a lot of rich historical data contained within the indexes that Australian GLAM organisations provide to help people navigate their records. These indexes, often created by volunteers, allow access by key fields such as name, date o...
16 Aug 2021

Explore Trove’s digitised books

The Trove books section of the GLAM Workbench has been updated! There’s freshly-harvested data, as well as updated Python packages, integration with Reclaim Cloud, and automated Docker builds. Included is a notebook to harvest details of al...
13 Aug 2021

A miscellany of ephemera, oddities, & estrays

I’m just in the midst of updating my harvest of OCRd text from Trove’s digitised books (more about that soon!). But amongst the items catalogued as ‘books’ are a wide assortment of ephemera, posters, advertisements, and other oddities. Ther...
09 Aug 2021

Everyday heritage and the GLAM Workbench

Some good news on the funding front with the success of the Everyday Heritage project in the latest round of ARC Linkage grants. The project aims to look beyond the formal discourses of ‘national’ heritage to develop a more diverse range of...
06 Aug 2021

Recent GLAM Workbench presentations

So far this year I’ve given eight workshops or presentations relating to the GLAM Workbench, with probably a few more yet to come. Here’s the latest: Introducing the GLAM Workbench, presentation for the Griffith University Centre for Socia...
06 Aug 2021

Updated! Lots and lots of text freshly harvested from Trove periodicals

For a few years now I’ve been harvesting downloadable text from digitised periodicals in Trove and making it easily available for exploration and research. I’ve just completed the latest harvest – here’s the summary: 1,163 digitised period...
02 Aug 2021

New dataset – Politicians talking about COVID

The Trove Journals section of the GLAM Workbench includes a notebook that helps you download press releases, speeches, and interview transcripts by Australian federal politicians. These documents are compiled and published by the Parliament...
14 Jul 2021

8 million Trove tags to explore!

I’ve always been interested in the way people add value to resources in Trove. OCR correction tends to get all the attention, but Trove users have also been busy organising resources using tags, lists, and comments. I used to refer to taggi...