I’ve spent a lot of time this year working on ways of improving the GLAM Workbench’s documentation and its integration with other services. Last year I created OzGLAM Help to provide a space where users of GLAM collections could ask questio...
I’ve started creating short videos to introduce or explain various components of the GLAM Workbench. The first video shows how you can visualise searches in Trove’s digitised newspapers using the latest version of QueryPic. It’s a useful in...
To help you make use of the GLAM Workbench, I’ve set up an ‘office hours’ time slot every Friday when people can book in for 30 minute chats via Zoom. Want to talk about how you might use the GLAM Workbench in your latest research project? ...
An article written by Kate Bagnall and me has just been published in a special issue of the Journal of World History focusing on digital history. And it’s open access!
The article is ‘Missing Links: Data Stories from the Archive of British ...
QueryPic is a tool to visualise searches in Trove’s digitised newspapers. I created the first version way back in 2011, and since then it’s taken a number of different forms. The latest version introduces some new features:
Automatic query...
I recently took part in a panel at the IIPC Web Archiving Conference discussing ‘Research use of web archives: a Labs approach’. My fellow panellists described some amazing stuff going on in European cultural heritage organisations to suppo...
When the 1-click installer for Reclaim Cloud works its magic and turns GLAM Workbench repositories into your own, personal digital labs, it creates a new work directory mounted inside of your main Jupyter directory. This new directory is in...
I’ve been working on an essay for publication in a forthcoming edited collection. I wanted to explore how the practice of history in Australia had been changed by GLAM organisations making their collections available online – both the new p...
Here’s a new little Python package that you might find useful. It simply takes a search url from Trove’s Newspapers & Gazettes category and converts it into a set of parameters that you can use to request data from the Trove API. While some...
I deliberately don’t keep any stats about GLAM Workbench visits, because I think they’re pretty meaningless. On the other hand, I’m always interested to see how often GLAM Workbench repositories are launched on Binder. Rather than just rand...
Five of the GLAM Workbench repositories now have automatically built Docker images and 1-click integration with Reclaim Cloud – ANU Archives, Trove Newspapers, Trove Newspaper Harvester, NAA RecordSearch, & Web Archives.
This means you can ...
I’ve updated my harvest of Australian GLAM datasets from state/national government open data portals. There’s now 387 datasets, containing 1049 files (including 684 CSVs). There’s a list if you want to browse, and a CSV file if you want to ...
If you work with the collections of the National Archives of Australia, you might find the RecordSearch section of the GLAM Workbench helpful. I’ve just updated the repository to add new options for running the notebooks, including 1-click ...
My program of rolling out new features and integrations across the GLAM Workbench continues. The latest section to be updated is the Web Archives section!
There are no new notebooks with this update, but some important changes under the hoo...
There’s no doubt that Trove’s digitised newspapers have had a significant impact on the practice of history in Australia. But analysing that impact is difficult when Trove itself is always changing – more newspapers and articles are being a...
To make it easier for people to suggest additions, I’ve created a GitHub repository for my list of GLAM Jupyter examples and resources. Contributions are welcome!
This list is automatically pulled into the GLAM Workbench’s help documentation. #dhhacks
I recently made some changes in the GLAM Workbench’s Help documentation, adding a new Running notebooks section. This section provides detailed information of running and managing GLAM Workbench repositories using Reclaim Cloud and Docker.
As I foreshadowed some weeks ago, I’ve shut down my Patreon page. Thanks to everyone who has supported me there over the last few years!
I’ve now shifted across to GitHub Sponsors, which is focused on supporting open source projects. This s...
I’ve updated, refreshed, and reorganised the Trove newspapers section of the GLAM Workbench. There’s currently 22 Jupyter notebooks organised under the following headings:
Trove newspapers in context – Notebooks in this section look at the...
It was way back in 2009 that I created my first scraper for getting machine-readable data out of the National Archives of Australia’s online database, RecordSearch. Since then I’ve used versions of this scraper in a number of different proj...
Here’s the video of my presentation, ‘Secrets and lies’, for the (Re)create symposium at the University of Canberra, 21 April 2021. It’s mainly about finding and resting redactions in ASIO surveillance files held by the National Archives of...
I’m interested in understanding what gets digitised and when by our cultural institutions, but accessible data is scarce. The National Archives of Australia lists ‘newly scanned' records in RecordSearch, so I thought I’d see if I could conv...
Over the last few years, I’ve been very grateful for the support of my Patreon subscribers. Financially, their contributions have helped me cover a substantial proportion of the cloud hosting costs associated with projects like Historic Han...
You might have noticed some changes to the GLAM Workbench home page recently. One of the difficulties has always been trying to explain what the GLAM Workbench actually is, so I thought it might be useful to put more examples up front. The ...
I’ve been doing a bit of work behind the scenes lately to prepare for a major update to the GLAM Workbench. My plan is to provide one click installation of any of the GLAM Workbench repositories on the Reclaim Cloud platform. This will prov...