Minor update to RecordSearch Data Scraper – now captures ‘institution title’ for agencies if it is present. pypi.org/project/r…
Minor update to RecordSearch Data Scraper – now captures ‘institution title’ for agencies if it is present. pypi.org/project/r…
Updated dataset! Harvests of Trove list metadata from 2018, 2020, and 2022 are now available on Zenodo: doi.org/10.5281/z… Another addition to the growing collection of historical Trove data. #GLAMWorkbench
Updated dataset! Details of 2,201,090 unique public tags added to 9,370,614 resources in Trove between August 2008 and July 2022. Useful for exploring folksonomies, and the way people organise and use massive online resources like Trove. doi.org/10.5281/z…
Ok, I’ve created a Zenodo community for datasets documenting changes in the content and structure of Trove. Lots more to add… zenodo.org/communiti…
Coz I love making work for myself, I’ve started pulling datasets out of #GLAMWorkbench code repos & creating new data repos for them. This way they’ll have their own version histories in Zenodo. Here’s the first: github.com/GLAM-Work…
Ahead of my session at #OzHA2022 tomorrow, I’ve updated the NAA section of the #GLAMWorkbench. Come along to find out how to harvest file details, digitsed images, and PDFs, from a search in RecordSearch! github.com/GLAM-Work…
Noticed that QueryPic was having a problem with some date queries. Should be fixed in the latest release of the Trove Newspapers section of the #GLAMWorkbench: glam-workbench.net/trove-new… #maintenance #researchinfrastructure
The Trove Newspapers section of the #GLAMWorkbench has been updated! Voilá was causing a problem in QueryPic, stopping results from being downloaded. A package update did the trick! Everything now updated & tested. glam-workbench.net/trove-new…
Some more #GLAMWorkbench maintenance – this app to download a high-res page images from Trove newspapers now doesn’t require an API key if you have a url, & some display problems have been fixed. trove-newspaper-apps.herokuapp.com/voila/ren…
The Trove Newspaper and Gazette Harvester section of the #GLAMWorkbench has been updated! No major changes to notebooks, just lots of background maintenance stuff such as updating packages, testing, linting notebooks etc. glam-workbench.net/trove-har…
42,472 files were digitised by the National Archives of Australia last week.
36,238 of these were migrant registration cards from Bonegilla (A2571 & A2572).
Here’s a screenshot of the top twenty series. More info: github.com/wragge/na…
I wrote up something for the #GLAMWorkbook on ‘Empty searches and hacking urls’: glam-workbook.net/url-hacki…
Ok, I’ve submitted my Libraries Tasmania translator to the Zotero repository for inclusion. No doubt a bit of additional tweaking will be required. github.com/zotero/tr…